Imprint & Data Protection


Scal­ing Mater­i­al Urb­an Com­mons
Dr. Vikt­or Bedö
Uni­ver­sity of Applied Sci­ences and Arts North­west­ern Switzer­land
Academy of Art and Design
4002 Basel

for the texts © 2022 the authors

data pro­tec­tion

We place great import­ance on cor­rect and up-to-date inform­a­tion on the state of the pro­ject through this web­site. Some or all of the con­tent on our web­site may there­fore need to be amended, deleted or (occa­sion­ally) no longer shown. We do not accept liab­il­ity for any mater­i­al or imma­ter­i­al dam­age arising in con­nec­tion with the use or non-use of the inform­a­tion offered, with the mis­use of the con­nec­tions or with tech­nic­al faults.

Cook­ies are text files which are stored tem­por­ar­ily or per­man­ently on your com­puter and which, for example, enable your use of the web­site to be ana­lysed. You can par­tially or entirely pre­vent cook­ies from being stored on your com­puter by adjust­ing the cor­res­pond­ing set­tings in your browser applic­a­tion. How­ever, please be aware that if you do so, you may no longer be able to use all of the func­tions on this web­site. We recom­mend using web browsers such as Fire­fox or Brave.

We do not veri­fy the con­tent of extern­al web­sites or those bey­ond its domain, that is, sites that are linked to this web­site rather than hos­ted on its own serv­ers. That is, we decline any respons­ib­il­ity for the con­tent of extern­al sites, and for the products and ser­vices offered on such sites. We will, how­ever, take great care in link­ing to extern­al con­tent and do so only if necessary.

The struc­ture of the web­site is pro­tec­ted by copy­right. The com­plete or par­tial repro­duc­tion, trans­mis­sion (elec­tron­ic­ally or by oth­er means), modi­fic­a­tion, or use of the con­tent and struc­ture of the web­site for pub­lic or com­mer­cial pur­poses is strictly for­bid­den without pri­or writ­ten per­mis­sion. Please con­tact pro­ject lead Vikt­or Bedö, for fur­ther inform­a­tion. Copy­rights of texts is with the authors. You must give appro­pri­ate cred­it and indic­ate if changes were made. You may do so in any reas­on­able man­ner, but not in any way that sug­gests the licensor endorses you or your use. In par­tic­u­lar, You may not use the mater­i­al for com­mer­cial purposes.