gloss­ary — pro­ject title

gloss­ary — related


Increas­ing a cer­tain aspect of a pro­ject or sys­tem, for example the num­ber of par­ti­cipants, the num­ber of con­nec­tions, ele­ment size, the geo­graph­ic­al area, or the dur­a­tion. Although scal­ing is a desir­able prin­ciple in many cases, for example when a bene­fi­cial prac­tice increases its reach, scal­ing is also prob­lem­at­ic as some mech­an­isms do not smoothly trans­fer from one scale to anoth­er, or in some cases do not trans­fer at all. 


Stuff and arte­facts which need to be trans­por­ted between the site of their pro­duc­tion and site of their use and — unlike digit­al com­mons — this involves urb­an logist­ics of some kind.


Events and pro­cesses that occur and oper­ate in the con­text of the infra­struc­tur­al, archi­tec­tur­al cul­tur­al con­text of the city, char­ac­ter­ised by dens­ity, het­ero­gen­eity, serendip­ity and emergence. 


Resources that are avail­able for use or con­sump­tion for a spe­cified com­munity, where the very same com­munity nego­ti­ates and man­ages the dis­tri­bu­tion and, if needed, the pro­duc­tion of the resource. Com­mon­ing is a care-based prac­tice that con­sti­tutes a socioeco­nom­ic altern­at­ive to cap­it­al­ist means of production.


FHNW Uni­ver­sity of Applied Sci­ences and Arts North­west­ern Switzerland
Academy of Art and Design
Insti­tute Exper­i­ment­al Design and Media Cul­tures (IXDM)
Freil­ager-Platz 1
CH-4002 Basel

About SMUC

Scal­ing Mater­i­al Urb­an Com­mons (SMUC) crafts ima­gin­ar­ies of urb­an futures that recon­cile auto­ma­tion and pre­dict­ive tech­no­lo­gies with com­mon­ing- and care-based use of resources. SMUC uses spec­u­lat­ive city-mak­ing to scale up the com­mon­ing of res­cued food. It does so by pro­to­typ­ing a pre­dict­ive algorithm-based sys­tem, dubbed, that orches­trates the col­lec­tion and drop-off of res­cued food in Basel and London.